Restaurant +420 736 515 515
Accommodation +420 607 222 212
Vertikální logo Grand

Rules for guests


We are pleased that you have chosen our hotel for your stay in Chlumec nad Cidlinou. Our goal is to ensure you a most pleasant stay. In order to achieve this, we would like to acquaint you with the rules of Hotel GRAND****. The rules are created with the comfort and safety of each guest in mind. By respecting the rules, we will ensure a pleasant and dignified atmosphere while avoiding any unpleasantness.

Thank you for your cooperation and for respecting all rules. Your understanding and compliance will contribute to the pleasant atmosphere you deserve. Thank you once again for being our guests and we hope that your stay will be to your liking.

Polite behaviour

Please treat other guests and staff with respect and courtesy. Any behaviour that is rude, disrespectful or offensive is not encouraged. If you notice such behaviour towards you, please do not hesitate to contact our reception.

Night Calm

To ensure maximum comfort, we ask all guests to respect the night-time quiet hours, which by law are from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. During this time we ask for quiet, not only in the rooms, but also in the corridors and public areas. If you notice any…

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Night Calm
Guest safety

The safety and well-being of our guests are our top priorities. We ask guests to be vigilant and report any dangerous or suspicious behaviour. We also ask our valued guests to keep their valuables in the hotel safe during their stay. Although we…

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Guest safety
Condition of room equipment

We ask our guests not to move the furniture in the rooms. Please report any faults found or incurred during your stay to the reception. This will help us to efficiently remove the defects and ensure maximum comfort not only for you, but also for…

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Condition of room equipment
Accommodation for pets

Pets are not allowed. The hotel reserves the right not to accommodate guests with pets and no refund will be given. If you are travelling with a dog, we offer the option of overnighting your dog at a dog friendly hotel we work with. This dog hotel…

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Accommodation for pets
Reporting of visits

For the safety of all guests, please report your visit to reception. Unregistered persons are not allowed to stay or stay overnight at the hotel.

Smoking in the hotel

Our hotel provides a fully non-smoking environment, not only in public areas, but also in the restaurant and in all rooms. An absolute ban on cigarette smoking, including electronic cigarettes, applies throughout the hotel. Smoking is only allowed…

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Smoking in the hotel
Security cameras

For your safety, security cameras are in operation in the public areas of the Grand Hotel. All recordings are handled in accordance with European standards and regulations as well as the hotel's privacy policy.

Handling food from the restaurant

To maintain the highest standards of hygiene, please do not take food out of the breakfast restaurant. Please note that most food is subject to immediate consumption. We also ask that you do not leave any food in the hotel rooms for an extended…

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Handling food from the restaurant
Terms and conditions of sale and cancellation

Familiarize yourself with our Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy, which governs the terms and conditions of accommodation contracts and reservations for our services. Learn more about cancellation options, cancellation fees and other…

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Terms and conditions of sale and cancellation

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By sending the form you give the consent to processing of your personal data in accordance with paragraph 5, article 2 of Law No. 101/2000 Coll., Protection of Personal Data, as amended. You agree that your personal data that you provide to Zámecký catering s.r.o. , is processed and collected in an electronic database only for the purposes of tenders for a maximum of one year. The consent may be revoked at any time in writing or electronically.

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