Restaurant +420 736 515 515
Accommodation +420 607 222 212
Vertikální logo Grand

A minibar with alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is available in each room and is replenished daily by our hotel staff. However, if you use a non-disturbance card, the minibar will not be replenished. Please report any consumption and pay upon departure.

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By sending the form you give the consent to processing of your personal data in accordance with paragraph 5, article 2 of Law No. 101/2000 Coll., Protection of Personal Data, as amended. You agree that your personal data that you provide to Zámecký catering s.r.o. , is processed and collected in an electronic database only for the purposes of tenders for a maximum of one year. The consent may be revoked at any time in writing or electronically.

Adéla Pošík
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Adéla Pošík